Welcome to Army Public School



Sprawling over 22 acres of land, dotted with Ashokas and Gulmohars, Army Public School, Nehru Road, Lucknow or LAPS as we fondly call it, originated from the lap of an Army School which was established in 1981 with just 500 students to meet the educational requirements of the children of Army personnel stationed at Lucknow. Commencing at the primary level it rapidly expanded into a High School by 1984. With the realisation of the need for providing quality education it was upgraded to the status of Army Public School in 1986. Progressing in time, with excellence as its hallmark, the institute earned its affiliation with the CBSE in the year 1987. Displaying its mettle in the field of holistic education the school offers all the streams i.e. Science, Commerce and Humanities along with an array of hobbies and sports. In 1994 – Swati Girls’ Hostel and hostel facility for boys was started which was later upgraded in the year 2002 as Capt Manoj Pandey, PVC, War Widows’ Ward (WWW), Boys’ Hostel.

The school has established itself as one of the premier institutions in the country offering all the facilities for quality education. Keeping pace with the global competitive environment, the school has designed a curriculum to conform to international standards. This will enable our children to successfully compete at the National and International levels for pursuing higher studies and for entering professional colleges. Its brilliant alumni can be traced both at national and international levels, making the school proud.

The School primarily caters to the educational needs of the children of Army personnel. It is a co-educational institution offering boarding facilities to boys as well as girls from Class VI to Class XII. Situated in the protected environment of the Cantonment and placed under the direct supervision of the HQ Central Command the school provides an ideal ambience, highly conducive to learning and balanced growth following the AWES mission of ‘Quality Education at Affordable Cost’.

All rights reserved by Army Public School, Nehru Road, Lucknow.
Note - Official emails are hosted on apsnehruroad.org
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